Wednesday 18 November 2009

The post modern 'Hand-held' camera effect is self-referential

In post modernist filming (TV drama and films), the use of the hand hold camera effect is often used as a post modernist touch. This is quite self-referential, as the audience can relate to this, as it is simular to their ammature homemade videos. Examples of this effect is the TV series of 'The Office', where the hand held camera moves to film one person and then to another in coversation, creating a sense of humour, due to the many delay's and unprofessionalism of it all. Another example of this post modernism 'hand held' camera effect used for a differnt purpose, is the films 'The Blair Witch Project' and 'Cloverfield', where the use of the hand held camera is to create a scary effect; as the audience can view the footage from the characters point of view, creating a sense of reality to the film, as 'we' as an audience would film. (Talking into the camera, running with the camera- capturing footsteps, and what they are running into etc).

1 comment:

Michael Wroe said...

These three are very good Lucy.

What about this week's? The Coen Bros.